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The Wild Man of Ohio

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:32 am
by admin
Los Angeles Time Jan 26, 1897 pg.5
The Wild Man of Ohio
He is Eight Feet Tall and Covered with Hair
School Dismissed in Three Districts for Fear That He Will Kidnap the Children-Farmers Trying to Track Him to His Lair
[By the Times Special Wire...]
MT. Vernon (O.,) Jan. 25-[Special Dispatch.] Excitement reigns supreme at Danville: business is suspended and every one devoted his entire time to talking of the strange actions of “the wild man” whose actions in the woods two miles south of there (belonging to Jacob Baker and George Hammond) have terrorized everyone in that community.
George Walker and James Thompson, two prominent farmers, relate some marvelous tales of their encounter with this wild, or crazy man. Several evenings ago he was seen to enter an old log house on the widow McElroy’s farm. A number of courageous farmers finally approached the house in the day time and, to their surprise, found it comfortably lined and a bed made of sheep pelts with the bones of the sheep strewn around the place. He was chased by men on horseback this week for three miles, he easily keeping out of their way, carrying a live and full-grown sheep.
He is described as being eight feet tall and goes about naked to the waist and has hair or a mane from four to six feet long flowing down his bare shoulders. He is reported to have carried a child, who was on his way to school, full half a mile, where he dropped him, uninjured, but frightened almost to death. School has been dismissed in three districts and a party is being organized under the leadership of Jacob Lybarger to attempt to track the strange being by the aid of the snow.

Note: Another article same creature.
The Bucks County Gazette
Bristol, Bucks County. PA., Thursday, February 4, 1987
Wild Man in Ohio