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December 11, 1883 A Wild Man of the Woods.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:14 pm
by admin
Fort Wayne Gazette, Tuesday, December 11, 1883
New Lisbon, Ohio, Columbiana County
A Wild Man of the Woods.
New Lisbon, Ohio, Dec. 10. – Bob Bradley and Henry Raush, two Columbiana county hunters, while out hunting a few days ago in the woods near Spruce Vale, were pursued by a wild man, covered with hair and looking like a bear. These woods were some years ago the resort of horse-thieves and counterfeiters, and of late have seldom been visited. While in the vicinity of this retreat the hunters saw a huge, hairy object, apparently half man and half beast spring from behind a cliff and start for the woods, running with great speed. Mistaking it for a wild animal, one of the hunters fired at it. The shot appeared to take effect in the arm, for with a scream of pain the creature halted, tapped the wound, and turning charged its pursuers, who dropped their empty guns and sought safety in flight.