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White Bigfoot Filmed in Pennsylvania

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 3:24 am
by admin
I originally seen this video several years back and it was claimed to be from Australia and was supposed to be a Yowie. It's now making the rounds again, and I feel that people should go back in the history and discover this information for themselves before bringing up the old stuff to make the rounds again.

Craig Woolheater, Cryptomundo wrote:

Bigfoot Caught on Tape at Night HD.mp4
(5.02 MiB) Downloaded 529 times
Residents of this small Pa town are concerned of recent sightings and strange noises being heard at night of what appears to be some sort of Bigfoot human looking type creature. The creature though, is white in color. A homeowner captured this footage after they heard a disturbance in the back yard of their wooded property. This homeowner and others in this town had previously heard strange noises and disturbances for the last two weeks or so prior to this being captured on film. The town was confirmed as Carbondale Pa.
Uploaded by bobywade517 on Jan 5, 2010

Bigfoot caught on tape_.mp4
(5.85 MiB) Downloaded 514 times
Also uploaded by bobywade517 on Feb 3, 2010.

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Also uploaded by bobywade517 on Feb 6, 2010.

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Man films White Bigfoot in Backyard Posted 2/3/10 by Anonymous poster Bobywade. We spent a great deal of time on this authentication. It shows a White Sasquatch twice, once for 1.4 seconds at maybe 50 feet and again at maybe 20 feet. The second clip is unobstructed by branch, so it is very clear. It appears that two people are walking toward it. One with a flashlight and one with a camera. The coned head, brow ridge, tree peeking, high shoulders, nose to nape, long upper lip, hooded nose confirm this very quick but very good video.
facebook find bigfoot

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PA White Bigfoot. I froze and enlarged a couple of shots. Interesting. No idea but he seems to have a Kennedy chin which adds a whole new piece to this puzzle.

Is it real or hoaxed?

JasonMc wrote:I remeber seeing this and thinking right away that it was a hoax. I came to that conclusion because I didnt understand why this gentlemen decided to film the ground for a long perios of time and then finally pulls up the flashlight and bam there is a white Sasquatch. The video is so quick it's hard to tell but many of the videos I have seen of this particular sighting have the man saying " what was that" before the Sasquatch turns his head. Just seemed to quick to me and made it looked staged.
What do the Cryptomundians think?