MABRC Membership Application

The MABRC is always looking for Analysts, Field Researchers and other professionals to aid in the collection and evaluation of evidence collected in the field. Analysts, otherwise known as Armchair Researchers, help the organization by working on special projects, organizing information and other related work. To join the MABRC in any capacity, a completed form must be filled out and submitted to the organization. The Director of Membership will then have a MABRC Member contact you for a small informal interview, at which time you will be informed about joining the MABRC Forum at and interact with the MABRC members there, so that they can get to know you better. Once the MABRC members get to know you, a vote will be held whether to bring you into the organization or not. All items marked with a * needs to be filled out.
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If so, which one(s). Please note, you can be a member of other organizations besides just the MABRC

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